Únete a nuestra comunidad de intercesores y colaboradores. Usaremos estos canales para compartir proyectos, noticias sobre lo que el Señor está haciendo y necesidades de oración. Tu participación es esencial para nuestro trabajo y para ayudar a las comunidades necesitadas. Juntos, podemos hacer una gran diferencia.
Jordania ha sido durante mucho tiempo un refugio para millones de personas que huyen de la guerra y la crisis en Palestina, Siria, Sudán, Yemen e Irak.
En este momento, miles de familias desplazadas luchan por sobrevivir, y estamos respondiendo al llamado para servirles.
Con nuestro viaje programado para este febrero, necesitamos urgentemente tu ayuda. Tu donación hoy nos permitirá llevar alimentos, apoyo espiritual y esperanza a quienes más lo necesitan.
In the heart of Haiti, the Garden of Eden orphanage stands as a beacon of hope against the backdrop of ongoing national crises.
For over a decade, this orphanage has been a safe haven for children orphaned by the 2010 earthquake, protecting them from the growing threats of gangs and violence, and offering a hopeful future.
Right now, the children at Garden of Eden orphanage in Haiti are facing urgent challenges, and your support is more critical than ever.
As we embark on this exciting new chapter as IDGlobal, we are committed to retaining our core mission of developing communities while embracing a refreshed identity. This rebranding reflects our dedication to providing access to better living conditions, healthcare, education, and spiritual development. While our name and visual identity may have evolved, our goals remain steadfast. We look forward to continuing our work with renewed energy and focus, ensuring that the communities we serve benefit from the same commitment and values that have always driven us.
I think of the Apostle Paul. He was always concerned about the welfare of the churches he had founded, but never abandoned the passion for extending the Gospel to other borders.
During the past decade, Nelsa Lamora has been living this mission and serving women across the United States through Heart to Heart Ministries. This ministry was recently taken to the Amazon jungle to help the indigenous women living there.